When they hear the name Bauer, most people either think of a farmer (German: Bauer) or of a fruit yoghurt. Both are right and belong together. For its with the help of farmers that we’ve become one of the most successful manufacturers of fruit yoghurt in Germany. “Der Große Bauer” with is more than 40 variants and flavours is living proof of our “milk and fruit competence”, our defining factor as a brand since the early 1970s. There’s hardly a refrigerated shelf in Germany where you don’t find it. But what many people do not know: It all started back in 1887 with cheese, which we still have in our product portfolio, in many variants and with great success. Even if our cheese may be a bit overshadowed by the popularity of its “big brother”, its taste well deserves a place in the limelight. Many of our customers have become big fans. Are you already one of them?